Thursday, April 2, 2009

Does Ejaculation Affects Testosterone levels.

Does sex/masturbation/ejaculation affects your protein reserves or your testosterone levels ?

The simplest answer is if you are already in deficiency of protein or low T then ejaculation can make you a considerable difference.

If you are healthy and have no deficiency even then it can affect you for one-to-three days or until you eat your next beef-steak. Any way most healthy people wont feel any difference.

If you have mal-nutrition or protein deficiency in your childhood then you should treat that first along with your masturbation problems.

Usually people in developing countries (like China, India & all third-world countries) suffer from lack of mal-nutritions from their childhood. For them even they do not ejaculate they suffer from lack of protein. Even in some of the developed countries it depends on individuals lifestyle & usually for pornstars everything seems ok but that doesnt work for everybody.

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